Minor Ailments Service

The Minor Ailments Scheme (MAS) promotes self-care through a consultation with a pharmacist and has been developed to offer an appropriate, cost-effective alternative for the treatment of minor ailments. The service is aimed at patients who use GP or Out of Hours services when they have a minor ailment rather than self-care or purchasing medicines over-the-counter (OTC).

This MAS service focuses on Patient Group Directions (PGD) and some medicines that are normally obtained on prescription that could be supplied by a community pharmacy.

Claims for the new service will still be submitted via PharmOutcomes and details of the payment structure are included in the attached specification.

Who is Eligible?

Patients MUST:

  • Have one of the minor ailments listed, AND
  • be resident in Doncaster – within the electoral town boundaries

Pharmacies providing the service

A list of the pharmacies signed up to the MAS service is available here* – if you are not providing this service and please signpost to a pharmacy on this list

*Please note – we are awaiting an updated list of service providers. 


Service update – April 2024 

Following discussions with CPSY, South Yorkshire ICB has agreed to continue to commission the Doncaster Minor Ailments Service (MAS) for pharmacies currently providing the service.  Pharmacies already commissioned for the local Doncaster MAS can continue to provide the service alongside the nationally commissioned Pharmacy First service. South Yorkshire Pharmacy Locally Commissioned Services Review Group are reviewing the MAS services commissioned across the whole of South Yorkshire and following the review an update will be provided to all pharmacy contractors on the future of MAS services.

Please find attached the updated Patient Group Directions (PGDs) for the Doncaster MAS. To avoid duplication with the Pharmacy First PGDs the Fusidic Acid and Nitofurantoin PGDs have not been included. Previous PGD’s for the Doncaster Minor Ailments Scheme expired on the 31st March 2024.



Trimethoprim Tablets PGD

Nystatin Suspension PGD

Hydrocortisone 1% Cream PGD

Chloramphenical 1.0 Eye Oint PGD

Chloramphenical 0.5 Eye Drops PGD

If you have any queries please contact – syicb-doncaster.medicinesmanagementadmin@nhs.net



23.24 Minor Ailments Scheme Service Specification V6.0
